Excerpt: "We seem to be at a point now where the term 'artist' is freely used by those in both the design and fine art fields. Yet considerable confusion exists about what is art, design, or whatever. Many who call themselves artists are like the monks who illuminated manuscripts. Are they artists in terms of original ideas and thoughts? Many are simply translators, are mediums for ideas that have been espressed by others. Most of the people are stewards of styles that other people have created" Richard Andrews, page 1.
Jestena Boughton, Michael Jay Brown, Steve Cecil, Bill Gaylord, Nancy Joseph, Joyce Moty, Barbara Swift
Graphic Coordinators: Barry Yamashita, Mark Ashley; Calendar Graphic Designer: Doug Morris; Calendar Contributors: Dave Aynardi, Rebecca Barnes, Larry Leland, Rick Murakami, Dellane McGregor, Jill Rulkoetter, Marsha Tolon