Excerpt: "Greetings. This new publication ARCADE... is an experiment integration. ARCADE will bring news of interest to architects and designers each month, drawn from many sources in and around Seattle. We will also include items of note from Portland, as it has always been a lively center of architectural activity, and is close enough that people here can make a trip often... Our city Seattle is growing physically at an enormous rate. Every time we turn around the skyline changes, and it seems that most of the political issues here these days have to do wtih house or building in some fashion. As a result, people are meeting more often to discuss these issues and make proposals for the future. Witness the recent Urban Block Symposium that was held at the University of Washington. We feel there is a need for a paper that report these events before they happen, so that more people can become involved, and that fewer will say, "I never know." The name ARCADE was chosen for its associative qualities. It is architectural; the Penguin Architectural Dictionary defines 'arcade': "'A range of arches carried on piers or columns, either free-standing or blind, i.e. attached to a wall.'" It signifies a framework through which one sees a varied and diverse group of images, and we intend to present you with an inclusive set of news items set within a standard graphic framework. An arcade signified movement; memories of walking along or within; moving poetically toward the future with reason at the elbow, just as we hope the future of architecture in Seattle will move." Catherine Barrett, page 1.