Letter from The Editors: Wrapping up ARCADE’s 43rd Year
Leah St. Lawrence, Camilla Szabo
photography by
Michael Barkin

As ARCADE enters 2025, we want to use this letter to reflect on our evolution from the possibilities of ARCADE, to the potential of its legacy, to the ways we were able to actualize our goals.

In 2024, we published a total of 36 digital articles and 28 print essays from 32 different regional writers. 182 archival issues were published online and are now available for download. ARCADE hired 2 staff members to the editorial team and worked with 13 talented designers to build our publications. 200+ specially designed tote bags were handed out and we hosted 7 events alongside our wonderful partners.

We could not have accomplished any of this without our growing membership and organizational supporters.

Our hope for ARCADE is to continue to meet the expectations and needs of our vast community while also holding dear the legacy of print and tangible publication. We have some exciting plans to further engage the archive in order to bridge the historical, the current, and the future. One of these initiatives is to expand our digital reach as a means to engage with a more national audience and provide more opportunities for writers and thinkers to deliberate on the subject of the built environment and design.

This initiative led us to develop “ARC”, a digital feed publishing essays on a rolling basis in order to further support literary projects and the design community - look for it by the end of March. Launching something of this magnitude would never have been possible without our newest staff member and ARCADE’s Digital Editor, Claire Needs.

As we develop ARC, we are retiring the quarterly digital magazine and migrating our audience and readers to a more robust, albeit still impeccably designed, web interface. And so, in this final issue, you will find the last installment of “Artist Spaces” by Michael Barkin, an interview with Sonam Tshedzom Tingkhye by our new Dance and Performance Editor Kaitlin McCarthy, an exploration of Seattle’s neon artists ft. Kelsey Fernkopf and Steve Gilbert, and the final part of Solomon Cohen’s Desert Diaspora series. You will be able to find new columns and essays from all of our digital magazine writers on ARC.

If you want to be more involved, become a member.

Our membership is ever expanding and gives you inside access to the happenings of ARCADE.

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